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Staff : Dianne Thompson

Following is information for Dianne Thompson:
Staff Details

Dianne Thompson

(307) 766-6681

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Dianne is an Education Abroad Advisor.  She earned her M.A. in French Literature, M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction, and B.A. in French and International Studies with a minor in honors.  Prior to joining UW, she taught French for over 15 years and has led several student groups abroad.  She has studied in France and Canada and has lived in Laramie since 2010.  Along with a passion for language, culture, and travel, she is an avid Cowboys fan and supporter of UW athletics.

Meet with Dianne if you are interested in studying abroad in one of these countries/regions of the world or programs:

  • Western Europe
    • Germany
    • Denmark
    • France
    • Austria
    • The Netherlands
    • Belgium
    • Sweden
  • Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching (COST)
  • National Student Exchange (NSE)
  • London Spring Semester
  • Rome Fall Semester
  • Service Learning